
L0TUSd3mon's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 82 (From 18 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,425 Points

Peter the Ant Clicker

Medals Earned: 10/10 (355/355 points)

1st Click 5 Points

Your first Smackaroo

10 Clicks 5 Points

10 Ants in my PANTS

50 Clicks 5 Points

50 shades of petah

100 Clicks 5 Points

100 tobonkies

250 Clicks 10 Points

250 deaths

500 Clicks 25 Points

500 hand labours

1000 Clicks 50 Points

toyota corrolla for 1000

2500 Clicks 50 Points

2500 watts

10000 Clicks 100 Points


99999 Clicks 100 Points

gal ur punani loud


Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/325 points)

Censorsh*t 5 Points

Now everyone knows you like uncensored NG humor.

Save the Day 50 Points

To get paid? Nah man. To get ice cream.

Save the Day II 100 Points

Save the Day with a full Mayhem Bonus.

Declined 5 Points

Never mind, I wanna go browse Newgrounds dot com instead.

Extra Brutal 10 Points

The uh, safety was off there.

Finding the References 50 Points

2 Left Thumbs would be proud.

Bruckheimer 10 Points

Make a big explosion!

Pacifist Route 25 Points

Complete the Pacifist Route.

Ant Smoosher 10 Points

If you do see Peter the Ant by chance, smoosh 'em.

No More Bang Bang? 10 Points

Run out of ammo and die.

Good Touch 50 Points

You beat the game with TOUCH CONTROLS. I'm AFRAID of you. Just kidding.

scaling a mountain using the second amendment

Medals Earned: 8/8 (345/345 points)

New England 5 Points

Complete New England

The Southeast 5 Points

Complete The Southeast

Texas 10 Points

Complete Texas

The Great Plains 25 Points

Complete The Great Plains

Pacific Northwest 50 Points

Complete Pacific Northwest

California and The Southwest 50 Points

Complete California and The Southwest

Healthcare 100 Points

Complete the game

Express Healthcare 100 Points

Complete the game in less than 5 minutes

Slasher Click

Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/500 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Slay your first monster

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Well-Dressed 50 Points

Buy all equipment

Well-Read 50 Points

Learn every skill

Cartographer 50 Points

Explore every area

Zoologist 50 Points

Slay every monster

Speedrunner 100 Points

Defeat the final boss in less than 15 minutes


Medals Earned: 10/14 (265/500 points)

gettin started 5 Points

defeat 5 enemies in one game

fifty dead 5 Points

defeat 50 enemies in one game

hundred dead 5 Points

defeat 100 enemies in one game

soccser 64 5 Points

kick a downed bandit six times

spiky 10 Points

get spiky

hitchhiker 10 Points

recruit one hitchhiker

full house 25 Points

recruit four hitchhikers

ulti kill 50 Points

defeat 500 enemies in one game

MAX LEVEL 50 Points

reach level 20

minesweeper 100 Points

reach 500 points without taking damage from a mine

full power 10 Points

maximum energy

big damage 25 Points

fully upgrade your damage

MAX BIG LUCK 100 Points

get the best score in the post-max level pachinko game

ONLY LEFT 100 Points

reach level 20 by only selecting the left upgrade

Stranded on a Raft

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/80 points)

New Challenger! 5 Points

Create your first profile

:skull: 5 Points

Die in hardcore mode

Swag 5 Points

Wear any hat

Not Enough Rafts! 10 Points

Place 250 raft blocks

Blinding Light 10 Points

Have 20 torches or more placed during day time

A Big Catch! 10 Points

Catch 50 fishes

Serial Worlder 10 Points

Create over 20 worlds

David 25 Points

Kill Goliath the Bullfrog


Medals Earned: 17/30 (120/425 points)

Blast Off! 5 Points

Completed the first level! WOW!

Second Wreckin' 5 Points

Completed level 2!

Boom Curious 5 Points

Completed level 3!

Blast Apprentice 5 Points

Completed level 4!

Kaboom Kid 5 Points

Completed level 5!

Detonation Dabbler 5 Points

Completed level 6!

Explosion Explorer 5 Points

Completed level 7!

Detonation Dynamo 5 Points

Completed level 8!

Blast Captain 5 Points

Completed level 9!

The All New McSplode 5 Points

Completed level 10!

Boom Boss 10 Points

Completed level 11!

Bangarang 10 Points

Completed level 12!

Fuse Fiend 10 Points

Completed level 13!

Bomber Boy 10 Points

Completed level 14!

OK Boomer 10 Points

Halfway There! Completed level 15!

Bang And The Blocks Are Gone 10 Points

Completed level 16!

Um...Boom 17 10 Points

Completed level 17!

These Are Difficult 10 Points

Completed level 18!

OK I'm Really Struggling Now... 10 Points

Completed level 19!

Bedknobs & Boomsticks? 10 Points

Completed level 20!

I Guess That Last One Was Alright, no? 25 Points

Completed level 21!

If You've Got Any Suggestions... 25 Points

Completed level 22!

...Please Let Me Know 25 Points

Completed level 23!

There's Still 6 Left! 25 Points

Completed level 24!

I'm Going To Make The Effort Now 25 Points

Completed level 25!

Boom Eternal 25 Points

Completed level 26!

I Liked That Last One 25 Points

Completed level 27!

Boom Master General 25 Points

Completed level 28!

Detonation Demigod 25 Points

Completed level 29!

TapTapBOOM Baron! 50 Points

Completed the final level!

The 1000

Medals Earned: 3/14 (15/570 points)

Twig 5 Points

Buy it from the store

Well prepared 5 Points

Equip any item

100 Kills 5 Points

Get 100 kills in a game

Team Building 25 Points

Equip an item in each team slot

Getting Knowledge 5 Points

Buy a book

1000 Kills 10 Points

Get 1000 kills in a game

10000 50 Points

Get 10000 kills in a game

Getting Cozy 5 Points

Enjoy the fire and music

Difficulty 1 10 Points

Reach Difficulty 10

Difficulty 2 50 Points

Reach Difficulty 50

Difficulty 3 100 Points

Reach Difficulty 100

Who You Gonna Call 100 Points


Happy Customer 100 Points

Buy everything the store has to offer

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!